A look at how BridgePrep Academy schools are managing distance learning during COVID-19 School Closures
Miami, Florida, May 14, 2020 — BridgePrep Academy schools along with their website provider, Educational Networks, Zoom, and online educational programs such as Istation and Achieve 3000 have been instrumental in distance learning during the COVID-19 school closures. More than 5,000 BridgePrep students and over 800 BridgePrep teachers log on each day.
Despite our schools being closed due to COVID-19, we are doing everything we can to keep our doors open virtually. We have conducted technology surveys, loaned out devices, assisted with getting everyone online and on the internet and even made house calls to visit students and families in need.
The students interact with their teachers and classmates in real time via Zoom. Students can then view and complete assignments via our school website and through online learning platforms Achieve 3000 and Istation. Although the location has changed, learning continues and teachers are still accommodating to the needs of their English Language Learners and Exceptional Education students.
Instructional leaders, coordinators, coaches and Administrators continue classroom “walk-throughs” visiting live sessions and monitoring assignments to observe instruction and greet students. Counselors have been working around the clock to ensure mental health is at its best and students are being heard. Progress monitoring, data chats and parental workshops as well as parental meeting are occurring throughout all of our campuses.